Puppy Litters 2024

cocoa with tan points french bulldog


Amphrodittie (Dittie) is a 62% Frenchton Bulldog female, she is a brindle harlequin mosaic merle with Tweed and Intensity.

Dittie loves laying outside in the sun, or following Mom around, keeping the farm safe. She is the self-appointed guard dog, and overseer of the farm. She doesn’t usually like pets from strangers since she takes her job very seriously.  She is the daughter of Carl and Ginger. Dittie is 33lbs. Dittie is 4 way DNA health panel clear by her parents.


Pixiu is a 100% French Bulldog stud. Ironically enough he TOO lives on a farm, but he’s more sociable with strangers! Pixiu is about 25lbs. He is the father of Dittie’s stud from last year! He is DNA 4-way health panel clear by way of his parents.

Dittie Frenchton bulldog puppies 2024 michigan

Dittie had her 2024 Frenchton Bulldog puppies Michigan September 5-6. For the first time, she carried full term (61 days, 63 is the max term). However, she ended up with a whopping total of 10 puppies. The first 5 pups were an intense struggle to birth, due to their slightly larger size and extreme quantity, they struggled to work into proper birthing position. We had several breach pups, and after the 5th puppy, they JUST STOPPED.


For hours she continued to push as hard as she could. It’s NOT uncommon for our girls to produce a puppy as much as 4 hours later. But despite her efforts, nothing came.

The next morning we contacted our vet and they got her right in for X-ray. As you know, I WILL NOT expose mother or pups to radiation UNLESS medically necessary, such as this case. X-rays showed 5 more pups with one stuck sideways, preventing birth of any new pups.

The doctor could still hear at least one tiny heartbeat, and either way the pups would need removing, dead or alive as the next pup was preventing birth. SO we reluctantly knew it was our only choice.

A few hours later, the vet produced 4 living pups. The stuck pup proved difficult to revive and they decided to focus on the remaining 4. The 5th pup passed away.

Dittie is slowly recovering from her surgery, and all 9 pups are fully thriving, including the DOA 1st born pup from Thursday, and the almost DOA pup the vet delivered and was convinced might not make it.

Our reserve list customers have been sent photos of each pup, with more info and photos to follow.

PUPPY PICK OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SEPTEMBER 17!!! Due to the craziness of this time, I can ONLY reserve your choice when a deposit is DOWN. PayPal, Zelle or check by mail with a photo of it in the mailbox are all fine and will hold your pick.

Our Stunning 82% Frenchton Bulldog Litter 09/05/2024


This will be Carl and Ginger's LAST litter together

Breeding took place over Christmas time (Merry Christmas Carl!), so Ginger will be having her puppies anytime toward the end of February 2024.


So far it’s anyone’s guess as to HOW MANY PUPPIES she has cooking right now . . . I have NEVER seen her SO LARGE.


Ginger tends to HIDE the fact that she’s pregnant, so this time I decided to take her to the vet to confirm. Sure enough, she had several wiggly little pigs inside! She’s definitely NOT hiding the fact this year and appears to be ready to pop ANY DAY!


These puppies will be 62% Frenchton, and our LAST LITTER in the 62% line. We will still have 82% from Dittie, and later 75%!

Their Beautiful Babies

BORN February 24-25, 2024


We provide you PEACE OF MIND with your new Pup!

Lots of Love

Your pup is doted on non-stop from day 1 of birth! We treat your baby JUST LIKE our own (because it IS)! ALL PUPS ARE RAISED IN OUR HOUSE in a dedicated puppy room.

Foundational Training

Your pup will arrive already pre-trained. From 4 weeks they are trained to a potty box, and at 6 weeks are started on bell-training and outdoor potty runs. Rough play is discouraged, while play such as tug and fetch are eagerly ENCOURAGED. Basic verbal commands are started as well as crate training.

Outdoor Time

Pups receive outdoor playtime as much as the weather allows. Being free to roll in the grass, chase bugs or snooze in the sun helps build strong bones and immune system.

Photos/Videos/Updates Sent regularly

No fear of an scams here, we continually send puppy updates and photos along with offering live puppy cams or 1 on 1 video chat with your pup. If you are close enough, you can even schedule a time to come visit your pup in PERSON!

Puppy Reunions

We STRIVE to build a community of our Frenchton families by offering a “Puppy Renunion” for all families (and prospective families) yearly to bi-yearly. It’s a great way to connect with other parents and trade stories!

Out of State ?

We often get requests for puppies from those out of state. We offer both fly-in pick-up or flight nanny delivery (additional cost). We provide any needed vet papers and microchipping at no additional cost.

Vet Care

All pups go in for their FIRST round of shots and full health exam by a local licensed vet at 7 weeks of age. Fecal samples are collected and puppies wormed if it’s positive. Our vet makes a thorough check of the heart, hips, mouth, patellas, tails and eyes and makes notes of anything concerning. If the vet notes anything abnormal, we let you know right away!


We always offer lifetime support for all of our puppies. Whether it’s itching at age 3 or chasing the neighbor’s new cat at age 8, we happily support our families during their journey with their Frenchton Bulldogs and can offer helpful tips, advice or support!

Sensory Exposure

We offer something no one else does: sensory experience! On our farm there is a LOT happening at all times – pups hear and see vacuums, kids, pets, tractors, lawn mowers, weed wackers and this year construction! Your pup will be fearless!
Phone support

any day for the LIFE of your pup

Generation lines 
Puppies Rehomed
Satisfaction Guaranteed


A Frenchton is MORE than just a pet . . .

Our goal is to provide HAPPY, HEALTHY and PERFECTLY MATCHED additions to your family. A well-raised puppy should be adaptable to new situations, and have a positive outlook on life. We strive to raise pups that are both intelligent AND easy to train.

Once your new addition is home, you’ll wonder HOW you ever managed life without them!


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