Hadley is a tweed harlequin merle fawn with black mask. She is the lighter of the sable merle girls, but has THREE darker patches on her back.
Hadley leans VERY frenchie, with a large wrinkled nose and massive body size. She’s 100% couch potato! While she will chomp on her littermates and wrestle a bit, she mostly prefers eating and sleeping!
5 Week Update: Hadley is the CHAMPION of the potty box! From what I have seen, she goes 100% of the time pee and poop in the box, AND will crawl from outside the pen INTO the pen to potty. She enjoys snuggles and a bit of play and can be a bit sassy!
She is our LAST FEMALE not yet reserved!
8 Week Old update: Hadley still runs to potty in her litterbox as soon as she knows I’m going to take them out, and once in a while she will do a bit of a whine if I’m not moving fast enough. She enjoys spending 1 on 1 time, and is a bit frustrated at having to share her time with 8 siblings. She will be so excited when she is finally picked and taken home!
She’s not hyper, does not jump in your face, potties well, very quiet but very affectionate too!
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