Saddie (Girl) $3750 *SOLD*

Saddle is a Tweed Harlequin Merle Sable, she is the DARKER brown of the two. She has LESS black under her chin and lighter legs.

Saddie leans more frenchton compared to twin sister Hadley, and has a bit longer nose and less chub!

5 Week Update: Saddie is still VERY even in personality. Nothing crazy, just very even across the board. She enjoys a bit of snuggles, a bit of play and a bit of exploring. Not demanding, or whining, or barking, just ready for whatever life hands her!

She has ONE blue eye!

8 Week old update: Sadie has calmed down from a few weeks ago. She enjoys playing with her siblings and running around. I still have yet to hear her bark! She’s just a quiet and patient girl!

7.5 Week Old Photos

5 Week Old Photos

3 Week Old Photos

9 Day Old Photos

4 Day Old Photos

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