Meet “Vega”, our FIRST EVER Harlequin Merle Sable puppy! Sable is an uncommon color, and to have one in HARLEQUIN MERLE is stunning! She also appears to have a bit of tweed or mosaic genes affecting her color pigmentation!
Vega is our “diva pup”. She was born the smallest but doesn’t let a setback like that stop her from getting exactly what she wants. And she will . . . every, single, time, guaranteed. She is a BIG personality and will keep you hopping. She will likely be quite protective, but very attached to you, wanting to be with you “helping” at all times (like most Frenchtons).
She might be a bit stubborn due to her diva attitude, but will likely give in with a bit of persuasion and then claim the original idea as hers, not yours. She will likely be the one to balk at potty training, and then just run over all on her own and start ringing the bell to go out (I bell train all my adults and puppies).
She will be very smart and full of sassy, silly quirks and keep you laughing.
**TWO Week Update** Vega is still a chumkin . . . she eats like it’s going out of style! But so far, it also seems like she might have at least ONE blue eye, time will tell!
*6 Week Old Update: Vegas is a quiet, yet confident girl who enjoys overcoming challenges and exploring the world around her. You don’t hear her barking, or crying like some of the other puppies, but she has a mouth full of TEETH and enjoys working them over your arm, lol! her markings remind me of watercolors, it’s interesting to see them change over time, especially knowing how rare sable merle puppies are – merle never “shows up” on a sable, so to even see THIS MUCH is genetically incredible!
*8 Week Old update: Vega is both confident in who she is and her place on this earth. She easily transitions between playing with toys on her own and exploring and roughhousing with her littermates. She still loves to grab and toy and sit in my lap with it, chewing away in contentment. Her biting has gotten better and her bites are now soft and gentle instead of hard. Since she will be going to a woman with visiting grandkids, we are working to make sure she will play nicely with them 😉
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